Category: Soccer

  • Weeks 4 + 5

    I am very behind on my thoughts on the past two weeks, and it’s all been a blur that I don’t remember too much about, so this will be quick. For week 4, I went back to soccer for my Tuesday workout. So far (knock on wood) my back/hip nerve pain is 100% gone and…

  • Week 2

    Week two of the training plan has been completed. This one was largely the same as week one, with the only real difference being an additional mile on the weekend run (can’t call them ‘long runs’ yet). Once again the first workout of this week was a soccer game on Tuesday which totaled 4 miles.…

  • Training Week 1, Part 1

    It has begun. Hal’s novice plan starts out relatively easy with total weekly mileage of 15-16-15 for the first three weeks. For week 1 the plan is/was: M T W R F S S Total Miles Rest 3 3 3 Rest 6 Cross-train 15 Week 1: EZ mode In lieu of a 3 mile run…