So, I’ve started a blog. I thought in this first post I’d try to explain why.
The idea hit me as I was fast approaching the start of the training program for my first full marathon (training begins this week). I thought that keeping a journal of sorts to document the experience could be interesting, and could be a way to finally get into the journaling thing my therapist keeps trying to get me to do.
Anyway that idea sort of snowballed into creating a blog. This will hopefully kill multiple birds with one stone:
- The stuff previously mentioned above
- I’m going to learn some stuff (I’ve never made a website or had a domain before)
- It should be a good chance to practice and improve my writing
- It may be a good way to keep people who care in the know as to what I’m up to, how I’m doing, etc. I have almost entirely disconnected from feed-based social media platforms for many reasons. One of them being – and this is entirely a me problem – I can’t shake the feeling that just throwing my content out there onto others’ feeds is annoying at least someone. At least if you’re here you are choosing to read my stuff, not having it thrown in your face.
I expect that early on this blog will be largely focused on the marathon training and prep, as that will be one of my primary focuses for the next several months. But I expect that over time this will become more general purpose – whatever is going on or I feel like writing/sharing.
So, thanks for checking this out. Feel free to reach out or leave a comment below.